Among the exhibitions that I got to visit in Arles as part of Voies Off 2016, that of Laurent Benaim is undoubtedly the most captivating under various points of view. The images of this author are in fact characterised by an openness, if I may say so, that displaced elsewhere could hardly be understood as alien to pornography. And yet, the images by Benaim, by right if they can be placed within a highly erotic strand, are a thousand miles away from expressing the vulgarity that usually accompanies what we call pornography.
From the exhibition Sur moi by Laurent Benaim. © Laurent Benaim.
Why all this? Well, first of all the author's technical ability to express himself on a formal level high enough to move the hand that defines the contents in the area of the thematic form factor. As part of the external context, the apparent knowledge of authors who have shaped the history of photography emerges in an unequivocal way, while not lacking a reinterpretation in a personal key by Benaim. The professional background in the field of fashion and architectural photography then makes its compositions highly structured even in contexts where, all things considered, would not surprise the author's involvement. Benaim is yes participant yet at the same time sufficiently detached to maintain his compositions within the rules of considerable formal rigour.
From the exhibition Sur moi by Laurent Benaim. © Laurent Benaim.
Another element, which contributes to slacken any suspicion of pornography in Laurent Benaim’s work, is to be found in the choices made during the printing stage. The prints were in fact realised with the gum bichromate technique. This underlining of a technical type, which on average has nothing to do with me, is crucial in terms of the viewer's reaction, as it offers an aesthetic impact that transcends the contents. The inevitably imperfect appearance of the surface caused by the hand made layer distances the cold perfection that modern cameras are able to provide. This makes the content lose the purely descriptive aspect that would confine the images in much less artistic fields.
A detail of the setup of the exhibition Sur moi by Laurent Benaim. © Stefania Biamonti/FPmag.
Moreover, the choice of printing using the
gum bichromate process gives the images an aspect that refers to an indefinite past that amplifies the separation from their pure and simple content. In this way, the photographs are relocated in an indefinite area where the perception of the viewer focuses more on the author's ability to bring order than the representative, as he finds himself in front of his objective. However, managing to enter, sometimes, a delicate almost poetic connotation that it is difficult to recognise in similar work.
Another interesting aspect that emerges is the author's conception of sexuality, which means in all its nuances, practically a crux of the existence of every living being. Beyond the easily conceivable correlation with the continuation of the species, in the conception of Benaim sexuality seems to become a foundation of life and, at the same time, become the medium through which to reach a perception of self in relation to a more universal dimension which in some way, refers to the eastern theories on the nature of the universe.
A detail of the setup of the exhibition Sur moi by Laurent Benaim. © Stefania Biamonti/FPmag.
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by Laurent Benaim
14, rue Réattu - Arles (France)
3 – 10 July 2016
opening times: daily, 10,30 am - 8,00 pm
admission fee: free entrance
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Voies Off
◎ Laurent Benaim
published on 2016-08-25 in NEWS / EXHIBITIONS
VOIESOFF VOIESOFF2016 LaurentBenaimFPmag
editor in chief Sandro Iovine | - senior writer Stefania Biamonti - web developer Salvatore Picciuto | - linguistic coordination Nicky Alexander - translations Nicky Alexander, Rachele Frosini - contributor Davide Bologna, Mimmo Cacciuni Angelone, Laura Marcolini, Stefano Panzeri, Pio Tarantini, Salvo Veneziano - local Lazio correspondent Dario Coletti local Sardinian correspondent Salvatore Ligios - local Sicilian correspondent Salvo Veneziano - editorial office via Spartaco, 36 20135 Milano MI | - phone +39 02 49537170 - copyright © 2015 FPmag - FPmag is a pubblication of Machia Press Publishing srl a socio unico, via Cristoforo Gluck, 3 20135 Milano MI - VAT no. 07535000967 C.F. (TAX code) 07535000967 - Copyright © 2015 FPmag - Registered at Tribunale di Milano No. 281 on the 9th September 2014
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